
Winegrowers & regional wine

Pinot Noir, Müller-Thurgau, Pinot Blanc and Pinot Gris are the most popular wines from Lake Constance.

The Immenstaad winegrowers will be happy to inform you. Visit one of our offered wine tastings or the wine cooperative in Hagnau. The grapes of many Immenstaad winegrowers are also processed there. Our annual wine festival on the last weekend in August is also a special experience.
Fish of Constance Lake

Whitefish, char, lake trout, perch, pikeperch, pike and eel are among the best-known Lake Constance fish.

About 30 fish species live in Lake Constance. Whatever goes on the net of our fishermen can either be bought fresh or enjoyed in our restaurants. Our tip: Freshly caught fish is deliciously prepared in the fish snack bar "Flotte Flosse".

The Flotte Flosse fish snack bar is located on the shore of Lake Constance, in Seestrasse West in Immenstaad. The Immenstaad fisherwoman Edith Dickreiter sells delicious fish rolls and fish dishes here.
Apple weeks at Lake Constance

From mid-September to mid-October, the Apple Weeks take place on Lake Constance with a varied program of events.

20 places on the German shore of Lake Constance contribute to the success of the apple weeks with their events and culinary offerings.